Speaking Overview
The Go Lifestyle
This message will inspire people to be a lifestyle missionary. (Matthew 28:18-20) It will call people into missions in the context of their daily life: church, family, business, and study.
Word by Heart Seminar
This is a 4-hour seminar that will enable the participant to learn a passage of Scripture by heart. Normally, the passage is from one of the gospels.
Revelation Encounter
This is a word for word narration of the Book of Revelation. The main theme is on Jesus as the King of Kings and living our whole lives from that perspective. An evangelistic invitation can also be part of the application of this presentation.
More Messages from Paul
Beyond this, Paul Childers speaks on global missions, presents the gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (word for word), and teaches on Bible books, leadership, and discipleship topics.
Passing on Our Faith to the Next Generation
This message is based on Psalms 78:1-8. It is primarily a personal story of what Paul Childers has learned about passing God’s Word and faith in Christ to his children and how that has made
a difference.
More Messages from Susi
Beyond this, Susi Childers uses her stories and pictures to speak on hearing God’s voice and God’s heart for the nations. She also presents photo exhibitions on various themes and, in addition to various discipleship topics, teaches on how to be a mother in missions.
Sample Two-Day Event
Day One
Hawaiian Blessing (morning session):
A half-hour blessing from Hawaii would include hula, photos from the Island of Hawaii (Big Island), scripture, and depending on the number of participants, light refreshments of Kona chocolates or coffee.Word By Heart Seminar - Part 1 (morning session):
Paul Childers would cover the first half of the Word By Heart seminar where the participants learn one story of God’s Word by heart.Photo exhibition (afternoon session):
Susi Childers would present the message behind the photo exhibition. Usually this would be on a mission theme.The Go Lifestyle (evening session):
Paul and/or Susi Childers would present a mission challenge that leads the participants to seeing how they can be missionaries in the context of their family, church, business, or study lives.
Day Two
Passing the Word to the Next Generation (morning session):
Paul Childers will share on the principles he has learned about how to pass on God’s Word to his own children and how that has had a global impact.Word By Heart Seminar - Part 2 (morning and afternoon session):
Paul Childers’ Word By Heart Team would lead through the second part of the WBH seminar where participants learn one passage of Scripture by heart.Bible Revival: Revelation Encounter (evening session)
The final session would be a presentation of the book of Revelation that would include images, music and worship that highlights the message that Jesus is King of Kings. An evangelistic invitation could also be a part of the application of this presentation.
Event Checklist
Books and resources
The Childers have produced various publications that seek to enable people to continue to apply the teaching in their daily lives. To enable this they would like to send the publications ahead of time to the church or venue. It would be helpful to know a rough estimate of how many people would be expected to attend so the right amount of books could be sent. It would also be helpful if the church leadership is willing to promote the book and give an endorsement.Book table
A table is needed in a visible space outside the auditorium so the Childers can sign a book for the person who is wanting a copy. The Childers love to take the time and make it personal.Susi’s messages
Susi needs her laptop to be accessible to the place where she will speak from so she can control the slides. This makes it more efficient. A clicker is also fine if it works well.Media files will be shared ahead of time, but from time to time there will be last minute changes.
The Childers do not charge a fee for ministry. Jesus says, “Freely receive so freely give.” (Matthew 10:8) That being said we do welcome love offerings, mission support, or honorariums that a church or organization is willing to give. Traveling, particularly with family, is expensive and we have to personally cover these costs. YWAM does not pay Paul or Susi a salary or fund our ministry travels. (If individuals would ask for guidance in preparing a mission gift, we welcome anything that the Lord puts on their hearts, however the most practical and helpful would be a financial gift.)Schedule of the event. The Childers (and Team) would seek to arrive at the venue between 30-60 minutes before the event starts. When they arrive at a venue several actions need to take place.
Make sure the book table is set up and well prepared.
Make sure any photography resources or exhibition are set up.
Finalize media presentations with church team and ensure that everything is ready to go.
If the girls are dancing hula, they need to practice briefly on the stage.
Meet with the leadership of the church.
Afterwards, Paul and/or Susi Childers will happily meet with people at the book table and sign books to them.